Bill Supporting Crisis Care Moves into Committee

Matt Kuntz
February 21, 2023
Montana’s mental health treatment system has faced so many challenges since the budget cuts of 2017. One of the most heartbreaking of them has been the dismantling of our mental health crisis care system.
HB 557, Representative Jennifer Carlson’s (Churchill) bill to clarify that HEART Account funds can be used for behavioral health crisis services will be held in House Human Services at 3:00 pm on Wednesday. This is a short and specific bill making it clear that marijuana tax money can be used to fund mental health crisis beds (over 24 hours).
This bill does not promise to be a standalone fix to our crisis care system. It does give the state the tool to help increase the crisis care reimbursement rate for crisis beds to something that community providers can afford to offer to Montanans in need of crisis care.
We have been working closely with Rep. Carlson on this bill for months and are excited to have it get a hearing. We’d love to have you weigh in support using link in the button below if you’re interested.
More Legislative Updates
HB 17 – Rep Ed Stafman (Bozeman) – Implement Certified Behavioral Health Centers. This bill was tabled in House Appropriations. Before tabling, one of the House member brought up pulling this bill or the concept into an end of session package for mental health. We are really hopeful that happens.
HB 286 – Rep. Mary Caferro (Helena) – Allow use of HEART funds for youth suicide prevention efforts. Passed Senate Public Health Committee on a 5-4 vote.
HB 649 – Rep. Mary Caferro (Helena) – Implement rates from Medicaid provider rate study. House Human Services 3:00 pm on Friday.
HB 346 – Rep. Jonathan Windy Boy (Box Elder) – Revise the tribal computer programming scholarship program. Passed House Education Committee.
SB 196 – Senator Walt Sales (Manhattan) – Require payment parity in insurance coverage of telehealth services. Tabled in Senate Public Health Committee
You can support all of these bills by clicking on the button below, typing in the bill number, choosing the Committee and then leaving a message.
You can also leave a phone message for a legislator or committee if you feel more comfortable with that. The number is (406) 444-4800.
Thank you so much for your support.
Matt Kuntz
Executive Director
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