Some of the Differences Between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder

Matt Kuntz
July 6, 2023
Some of the Differences Between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder
Acknowledgement – Co-drafted with Chat GPT with illustration by DALL-E
Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are two separate mental health conditions that have some similarities in symptoms, but are distinct in terms of causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder characterized by extreme mood swings between mania or hypomania and depression. These episodes can last for days, weeks, or months and can significantly disrupt a person's daily life. Mania or hypomania is a state of elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, and impulsive behavior. Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in things the person used to enjoy.
BPD, on the other hand, is a personality disorder characterized by intense and unstable emotions, impulsive behavior, and unstable relationships. People with BPD often struggle with self-worth and identity, and may have a fear of abandonment. They may also engage in self-harm or suicidal behavior.
While both conditions involve mood swings, the swings in bipolar disorder are typically more severe and longer-lasting than those in BPD. Additionally, people with bipolar disorder experience clear episodes of mania or hypomania, while people with BPD do not. People with BPD may have some symptoms of mania or hypomania, but they do not meet the criteria for a manic or hypomanic episode.
It is important to note that a correct diagnosis is essential for appropriate treatment. A mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, can help make an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan.
In summary, bipolar disorder and BPD are two separate conditions that share some similar symptoms but are distinct in terms of causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings between mania or hypomania and depression, while BPD is characterized by intense and unstable emotions, impulsive behavior, and unstable relationships. A proper diagnosis is essential for appropriate treatment.
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Find out more about mental health conditions at the National Institute of Mental Health website. Or watch mental health awareness videos at the NAMI Montana website.
You can find Montana county level resources through NAMI Montana’s County Mental Health Resource guides.
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