We Offer Training & Seminars Free of Charge
Welcome to the NAMI Family and Friends free 2 hour seminar! Participants learn about diagnoses, treatment, recovery, communication strategies, crisis preparation and NAMI resources. Hopefully you will gain an understanding of what your loved one is going through and how to interact effectively with someone who is living with a mental illness.
Please go to the Conferences and Webinars tab to get registered for the next seminar!

April 27th and 28th, 2024
May 18th and 19th 2024
Family Support Group
Connection Peer Support Group
The training will be held on both weekends at the Delta Hotel in Helena Mt.
Please call the NAMI Montana office for more information on how to get signed up for the training.
Of all of NAMI Montana’s work, we are particularly proud of our education programs. The courses offer powerful insight into mental illness and recovery that is incredibly valuable to individuals struggling with mental illness and their families. NAMI Montana believes that these courses save lives.

NAMI Provider Education
This 8-week course presents a penetrating, subjective view of family and consumer experiences with serious mental illness to providers who work directly with people who suffer from severe and persistent mental illnesses. The course helps providers realize the hardships that families and consumers face and appreciate the courage and persistence it takes to live with and recover from mental illness.

NAMI Basics
This course is for parents and other caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental illness. The program helps the caregivers recognize mental illness as a continuing traumatic event for the child and the family, provides them with tools to help ameliorate the day-to-day objective burdens of care and management and helps them gain confidence and stamina in their roles as caregivers and advocates for their children.

An 8 week course for families of individuals with severe brain disorders (mental illness). The course helps families understand their family member's mental illness, cope with the symptoms of the illness, and gives them strategies to move toward recovery from the illness.

In Our Own Voice
This recovery education presentation is given by trained consumer presenters for other consumers, family members, friends, professionals, and lay audiences. The program is a brief, yet comprehensive interactive presentation about mental illness which enriches the audience's understanding of how people with these serious disorders cope with the reality of their illnesses while recovering and reclaiming productive lives.

Designed to offer an opportunity for growth to any individual who experiences mental illness. Peer-to-Peer is an 8 week course, two hours per week, experiential education on the topic of recovery for any person with serious mental illness who is interested in establishing and maintaining wellness.

Family Support Group
NAMI Family Support Groups, offered by NAMI Affiliates in communities across the country, are free, confidential and safe groups of families helping other families who live with mental health challenges. In NAMI Family Support Groups, families join a caring group of individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom. Family member can achieve a renewed sense of hope for their loved one living with mental health challenges.

Connection Peer Support
NAMI Connection is a recovery support group program that offers respect, understanding, encouragement and hope. NAMI Connection groups are:
• Free and confidential
• Held weekly for 90 minutes
• Designed to connect, encourage, and support participants using a structured support group model
• Led by trained facilitators living in recovery themselves